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Whether or not you believe Starbucks coffee tastes burnt (I don't), there's always a reason to be happy when a popular app from a major company adopts Google's new Material Design language. That's just what the company did today with a new update.

Starbucks version 3.2 for Android is a gentle introduction to Material Design — the app continues to fall in line with the muted colors of the Starbucks brand, not too bright and bold like many early Material Design apps I've seen, and animations are subtle, like how the hamburger menu icon shifts during the transition of opening and closing the menu. Small details like elements appearing to open from a touch point remind you that it's Material. It looks good.

Sadly, however, the app still lacks the new Order & Pay functionality Starbucks recently added to its iOS app and began promoting in stores, which allows customers to order menu items from their phone and pick them up when they arrive. Starbucks still labels that functionality as being in beta, though, so I'll give them some slack. As a Starbucks loyalist I'm just glad to see them recognizing Android as a legitimate place to have a presence.

This update also brings added menu details so you can see all the menu items currently available at US stores (PSL, anyone?), and the obligatory "bug fixes." It's available on Google Play now.